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usage: sccli [options] device [command]

Valid options:

  -d disk, --disk=cXtYdZ
        select LVD single-bus JBOD enclosure containing specified disk
  -h, --help, --usage
        display valid commands
  -l, --list
        display a list of local StorEdge 3000 devices
  -n, --no
        assume a "no" response to any prompts
  -o, --oob
        use an out-of-band (network) connection to the specified device
  -v, --version
        display program version information
  -w <password>, --password <password>
        specify the password for the array controller
  -y, --yes
        assume a "yes" response to any prompts

Valid commands:

        display program version and copyright info
  check parity { ld<index> | <LD-ID> }
        check parity on specified logical drive
  clear events
        clear the event log
  configure channel <ch> {host|drive} [{pid|sid} <target-list>] [--reset]
        configure a host or drive channel
  configure global-spare <disk>
        configure a disk as a global spare
  configure local-spare <disk> <logical-drive>
        configure a disk as a local spare for a specific logical drive
  configure network-interface lan0 [options]
        set network interface parameters
  configure partition <partition-id> [<size> | delete]
        configure a logical drive partition of the specified size
  create logical-volume <logical-drives> [primary|secondary]
        create a logical volume over the specified LDs
  create logical-drive <raid-level> <disk-list> [<options>]
        Create a logical disk device
  create host-wwn-name  <wwn> <name> [{head | tail}]
        assign a symbolic name to a host WWPN
  delete logical-drive <ld>
        Delete a logical drive
  delete logical-volume <lv-list>
        Delete one or more logical volumes
  delete host-wwn-name  [<wwn> | <name>]
        delete a Host-ID/WWN name assignment
  download controller-configuration [-r|--reset] [-b|--build] <file>
        download array controller binary configuration
  download controller-firmware [--reset] <firmware> [<bootrecord>]
        download array controller firmware (optionally w/ hard reset)
  download disk-firmware <filename> <product-id>
        download disk drive firmware to internal drives
  download pld-firmware <filename>
        download enclosure PLD firmware
  download safte-firmware [-f] <filename>
        download enclosure SAFTE firmware
  download ses-firmware <filename>
        download enclosure SES firmware
  download nvram [-r] <file>
        download array controller binary nvram
  fail {primary|secondary}
        fail a controller in a redundant controller pair
        display help for commands
  map <partition> <ch>.<tgt>.<lun> [wwpn | host-id]
        map an LD or LV partition to a host channel/target/lun
        silence the enclosure alarm
        specifies the array controller password
        exit the program
  reset controller
        reset the array controller
  reset nvram
        restore nvram to factory defaults
        specify a storage device to monitor or configure
  set cache-policy [write-through|write-back|sequential|random]
        set cache write-behind and optimization policy
  set controller-name <string>
        set the controller name
  set drive-parameters <param> <value>
        set drive channel parameters
  set host-parameters <param> <value>
        set host channel parameters
  set inter-controller-link {upper|lower} channel <ch> [dis]connected
        enable/disable per-channel inter-controller-link
  set led disk <ch>.<id> { on | off }
        set led state for drive slot in RAID enclosure
  set led disk <diskname> { on | off }
        set led state for drive in JBOD enclosure
  set led slot <slot> { on | off }
        set led state for slot in specified JBOD enclosure
  set password <string>
        set the controller password
  set rs232-configuration <port> <speed>
        set the RS232 interface baud rate
  set unique-identifier <value>
        set the subsystem's 6-digit hexadecimal serial number
  show battery-status
        display status of backup battery
  show bypass device ses-channel <ch> loop <loopa|loopb>
        displays the target IDs on a specified loop that are currently bypassed
  show bypass sfp ses-channel <ch> loop <loopa|loopb>
        displays the target IDs on a specified loop that are currently bypassed
  show bypass raid
        displays raid drive channel bypass status
  show cache-policy
        display cache policy
  show channels
        display channel configuration
  show configuration [--xml | -x] [<filename>]
        display the device's configuration or save to file
  show controller-name
        display controller name
  show disks
        display info for array disks.
  show drive-parameters
        display drive parameters
  show enclosure-status
        display the status of internal chassis components
  show events [last <n>]
        display the controller event log.
  show FRUs
        display FRU-ID information
  show host-parameters
        display host i/o parameters
  show host-wwn-names
        display host-wwn/name list
  show inquiry-data
        display SCSI INQUIRY data for selected device.
  show inter-controller-link {upper|lower} channel <ch>
        display status of inter-controller link on specified channel
  show ip-address
        display the controller's IP network address
  show led disk <ch>.<id>
        show led state for drive slot in RAID enclosure
  show led disk <diskname>
        show led state for drive in JBOD enclosure
  show led slot <slot>
        show led state for slot in specified JBOD enclosure
  show logical-drives [<logical-drive-list>]
        display logical drives
  show loop-map channel <ch> [target <id>]
        display the fibre channel loop positional map for a given channel
  show logical-volumes [<logical-volume-list>]
        display logical volumes
  show lun-maps
        display lun maps for host channels
  show network-parameters
        display controller network parameters
  show partitions [logical-volume <lv> | logical-device <ld>]
        display partitions of logical drives
  show pld-revision
        display PLD revision of directly-connected FC expansion chassis
  show port-wwns
        display host channel FC Port_Name WWNs
  show redundancy-mode
        display redundancy status
  show rs232-configuration
        display serial port configuration
  show safte
        display status of SAF-TE devices
  show ses
        display status of SES devices
  show shutdown-status
        display status of controller shutdown
  show unique-identifier
        display subsystem 6-digit unique identifier
  shutdown controller
        shut down controller (prepare for power off)
  shutdown logical-drive <ld>
        shut down (force offline) a logical drive
  unconfigure {local-spare|global-spare} <disk> [<logical-drive>]
        unconfigure a local or global spare drive
        restore (deassert) a failed controller
  unmap {<partition> [<ch>] | {<ch>.<tgt>.<lun> [wwpn | host-id]}}
        unmap an LD or LV partition from a host channel/target/lun
  upload controller-configuration <file>
        upload array controller binary configuration
  upload nvram <file>
        upload array controller binary nvram
        display program version
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