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1. O/S install
  만약 사용하고있는 시스템일 경우 Full Backup후에 작업
2. Volume Manager install  --> Solaris 7일경우 3.0.1이상 사용
  # vxlicense -c  --> A5x00 Array가 없을 경우 key 값을 직접 입력
3. vxinstall
  Custom installation 선택
  Ecapsulate Boot Disk ? y
  나머지 디스크는 Install all disks as new disks 선택
  c0t1d0 Encapsulate
  c0t3d0 New Disk  
4. reboot

# vxdiskadm

Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk

1      Add or initialize one or more disks
2      Encapsulate one or more disks
3      Remove a disk
4      Remove a disk for replacement
5      Replace a failed or removed disk
6      Mirror volumes on a disk
7      Move volumes from a disk
8      Enable access to (import) a disk group
9      Remove access to (deport) a disk group
10     Enable (online) a disk device
11     Disable (offline) a disk device
12     Mark a disk as a spare for a disk group
13     Turn off the spare flag on a disk
list   List disk information

?      Display help about menu
??     Display help about the menuing system
q      Exit from menus

Select an operation to perform 6 번 선택

Mirror volumes on a disk
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/Mirror

This operation can be used to mirror volumes on a disk.  These
volumes can be be mirrored onto another disk or onto any
available disk space.  Volumes will not be mirrored if they are
already mirrored.  Also, volumes that are comprised of more than
one subdisk will not be mirrored.

Mirroring volumes from the boot disk will produce a disk that
can be used as an alternate boot disk.

At the prompt below, supply the name of the disk containing the
volumes to be mirrored.

Enter disk name [,list,q,?] rootdisk

You can choose to mirror volumes from disk rootdisk onto any
available disk space, or you can choose to mirror onto a specific
disk.  To mirror to a specific disk, select the name of that disk.
To mirror to any available disk space, select "any".

Enter destination disk [,list,q,?] (default: any)

The requested operation is to mirror all volumes on disk rootdisk
in disk group rootdg onto any available disk space.

NOTE: This operation can take a long time to complete.

Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
Mirror volume rootdisk6vol ...
Mirror volume rootvol ...
Morror volume swapvol …
Mirroring of disk rootdisk is complete.
Mirror volumes on another disk? [y,n,q,?] (default: n) n
조회 수 :
추천 수 :
30 / 0
등록일 :
15:11:20 (*.236.3.225)
엮인글 :
게시글 주소 :
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