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This is a description of Solaris 2.x Signals and their Meanings


What is a signal?

  An event notification (Similar to a software interrupt).

What are signals used for?

  Abnormally interrupt a process and interprocess communication.

List of 2.x signals and their meanings:

SIGHUP    1 - hangup
SIGINT    2 - interrupt (^c)
SIGQUIT   3 - quit (^\, creates a core dump)
SIGILL    4 - illegal instruction (not reset when caught)
SIGTRAP   5 - trace trap (not reset when caught)
SIGABRT   6 - used by abort
SIGEMT    7 - EMT instruction
SIGFPE    8 - floating-point exception (when an integer error is seen)
SIGKILL   9 - kill (cannot be caught, ignored, masked or held)
SIGBUS   10 - bus error (address alignment problem, also when seg is stepped out of)
SIGSEGV  11 - segmentation violation (stepped on, didn't have perms)
SIGSYS   12 - bad argument to system call
SIGPIPE  13 - write on a pipe that is closed for reading
SIGALRM  14 - alarm clock (wall clock time)
SIGTERM  15 - software termination signal from kill
SIGUSR1  16 - user-defined signal 1 (not defined, ignored)
SIGUSR2  17 - user-defined signal 2 (not defined, ignored)
SIGCHLD  18 - child status change alias (POSIX) (exited, stopped or continued)
SIGPWR   19 - power-fail restart (3b2 only)
SIGWINCH 20 - window size change & keyboard focus
SIGURG   21 - urgent socket condition (used for out of band data)
SIGPOLL  22 - pollable event occurred
SIGIO    22 - socket I/O possible (SIGPOLL alias)
SIGSTOP  23 - stop (cannot be caught or ignored)
SIGTSTP  24 - user stop requested from tty
SIGCONT  25 - stopped process has been continued
SIGTTIN  26 - background tty read attempted
SIGTTOU  27 - background tty write attempted
SIGVTALRM 28 - virtual timer expired
SIGPROF  29 - profiling timer expired
SIGXCPU  30 - exceeded CPU limit
SIGXFSZ  31 - exceeded file size limit
SIGWAITING 32 - the process's LWPs are blocked
SIGLWP   33 - signal used by thread library
SIGFREEZE 34 - special signal used by CheckPoint/Resume
SIGTHAW  35 - special signal used by CheckPoint/Resume
SIGRTMIN 36 - First real time signal (will be used for POSIX real time)
SIGRTMAX 43 - Last real time signal

(The symbols SIGRTMIN and SIGRTMAX are evaluated dynamically in order to permit future configurability.)


See sys/signal.h

SIGINT terminates the process by default.
SIGQUIT terminates the process and create a core file.
SIGKILL 9 and SIGSTOP 23 cannot be ignored or caught.
SIGKILL has the highest priority when checking for signals (see fsig()).

조회 수 :
추천 수 :
21 / 0
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16:43:13 (*.193.52.140)
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