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# Program: Logfile rotation utility <logrotate.sh>
# Author: Matty <matty91 at gmail dot com>
# Current Version: 1.0
# Revision History:
# Version 1.0
#     Original release
# Last Updated: 10-09-2005
# Purpose:
#   This script will rotate the logfiles listed in the LOG variable. COUNT vopies
#   will be maintained.

# Set some global environment variables
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH

# Trap signals sent when we are moving files so we don't get interrupted
trap '' 0 1 2 3 9 15

LOGS="/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log /var/adm/syslog/mail.log /var/opt/resmon/log/event.log /var/adm/cron/log /var/adm/xferlog /var/adm/wtmp"

# LOOP till no more logs
for i in ${LOGS}
        # Reset the indice
        while [ ${INDICE} -ge ${STOPVALUE} ]
                # Add one to the present index
                PLUSONE=`expr ${INDICE} + 1`

                # if the logfile exists move it to LOG.INDEX + 1
                test -f ${i}.${INDICE} && mv ${i}.${INDICE} ${i}.${PLUSONE}

                # Increment the index
                INDICE=`expr $INDICE - 1`

        # Move the logfile to logfile.COUNT
        mv ${i} ${i}.${STOPVALUE}

        # zero out the logfile ( NEW LOGFILE )
        cp /dev/null ${i}
        chmod 644 ${i}
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