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무엇이 FPL/SEL인가?

FPL (Forward progress) : All events
SEL (System Event Log) : High attention events and errors

IPMI Event Viewer는 Online Diagnostic software bundle의 일부로서 제공됩니다. SEL과 FPL은 MP (Management Processor)로부터 capture 되어 /var/stm/logs/os directory에 다음과 같이 저장됩니다.

# ll
total 208
-rw-r--r--   1 root       root         64928 Oct 19 22:13 fpl.log.00
-rw-r--r--   1 root       root          1432 May  6 10:31 log1.raw.cur
-rw-r--r--   1 root       root            20 Oct 19 22:19 log_state_file
-rw-r--r--   1 root       root          2652 Oct 19 22:15 memlog
-rw-r--r--   1 root       root         10624 Oct 19 22:12 sel.log

SEL 보는 법
slview command를 이용하여 MP의 SEL log copy와 유사한 결과를 얻을 수 있읍니다.

# /usr/sbin/diag/contrib/slview -f /var/stm/logs/os/sel.log

          Welcome to the FPL (Forward Progress Log) Viewer

   The following FPL navigation commands are available:
         D: Dump log starting at current block for capture and analysis
         F: Display first (oldest) block
         L: Display last (newest) block
         J: Jump to specified entry and display previous block
         +: Display next (forward in time) block
         -: Display previous (backward in time) block
      [cr]: Repeat previous +/- command
         ?: Display help
         q: Exit viewer

   The following event format options are available:
         K: Keyword
         R: Raw hex
         T: Text
         V: Verbose

   The following event filter options are available:
         A: Alert level
         C: Cell
         U: Unfiltered

SL ([cr],+,-,?,F,L,J,D,K,R,T,V,A,C,U,q) >  
664   PDC  0,0,0 *3 0x09000f6000e00000 0x4900000000000000  FABRIC_ASSERT_FABRIC_ERR
663   ?           1 0x214175d601021670 0xff0f066f001f0300  IPMI Type-02 Event
662   ?           1 0x20416e049a0215d0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
661   ?           1 0x21416d943f0215c0 0xff0f066f001f0300  IPMI Type-02 Event
660   ?           1 0x21416d943f0215c0 0xff0f066f001f0300  IPMI Type-02 Event
659   ?           1 0x20416d4ff5021520 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
658   ?           1 0x20416cdf72021510 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
657   ?           1 0x20416cdf72021510 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
656   ?           1 0x20416c6ef3021500 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
655   ?           1 0x20416c6ef3021500 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
654   ?           1 0x20416bfe720214f0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
653   ?           1 0x20416bfe720214f0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
652   ?           1 0x20416b8df30214e0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
651   ?           1 0x20416b8df30214e0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
650   ?           1 0x20416b1d730214d0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
649   ?           1 0x20416b1d730214d0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
648   ?           1 0x20416aacf30214c0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
647   ?           1 0x20416aacf30214c0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
646   ?           1 0x20416a3c720214b0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
645   ?           1 0x20416a3c720214b0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
644   ?           1 0x204169cbf40214a0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event
643   ?           1 0x204169cbf40214a0 0xffff0103fdc00300  IPMI Type-02 Event

SL ([cr],+,-,?,F,L,J,D,K,R,T,V,A,C,U,q) > q

FPL 보는 법

SEL의 경우와 유사하게 IPMI Event Viewer "slview" 를 사용하여 FPL
entries를 볼 수 있읍니다.

# ll
total 208
-rw-r--r--   1 root       root         64928 Oct 19 22:13 fpl.log.00
-rw-r--r--   1 root       root          1432 May  6 10:31 log1.raw.cur
-rw-r--r--   1 root       root            20 Oct 19 22:19 log_state_file
-rw-r--r--   1 root       root          2652 Oct 19 22:15 memlog
-rw-r--r--   1 root       root         10624 Oct 19 22:12 sel.log

# /usr/sbin/diag/contrib/slview -f /var/stm/logs/os/fpl.log.00
조회 수 :
추천 수 :
3 / 0
등록일 :
11:54:31 (*.236.3.225)
엮인글 :
게시글 주소 :
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