Sign in
1.    다음을 edit 합니다.
vi $HOME/.netrc
machine hp001 login testuser password test01.
(NOTE: 만약 password에 빈칸이 있으면, double quotes표시를 합니다)

2.    다음을 실행합니다.
chmod 600 $HOME/.netrc

3.    autologin test 를 합니다.
ftp hp001

Connected to hp001
220 hp001 FTP server (Version Thu Feb 22 22:57:17 GMT 1996)
331 Password required for testuser.
230 User testuser logged in.

Remote system type is UNIX.
Use binary mode to transfer files.

4.    아래의 script 는 file 을 자동으로 전송합니다.: 그리고 이 script 는 at이나 cron 으로 실행이 될 수 있습니다.

############  FTP SCRIPT #####################
# You must have a netrc. file in the $HOME directory of the requesting
# user.
# The "rem_sys" must specify a system name or the netrc. file will not
# get read.

TEST=0    # 0 = get file , 1 = don't get
filerem_sys="hp001"    # Do not use an IP adx
rem_dir="/tmp"    # The directory where the file is located.
file="ftptestfile"    # The file to be transferred

if [ $TEST = 0 ]
ftp << end
         open "$rem_sys"
         cd "$rem_dir"
         get "$file"
else :
###########  END OF SCRIPT ###################
조회 수 :
추천 수 :
4 / 0
등록일 :
15:47:57 (*.236.3.225)
엮인글 :
게시글 주소 :
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