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Logtool Tutorial: Summary
Logtool is an interactive utility that runs under the Support Tool Manager (STM). It allows you to monitor recoverable errors detected by the computer, such as single-bit memory errors, and I/O device errors. By analyzing this information, you can troubleshoot failures before they become acute.
Error information is contained in system log files. Since the raw files are hard to read, Logtool allows you to format the files and to filter them for desired entries (for example, for all entries related to SCSI disks).

Unlike other support tools, this utility program is not device specific and does not require selection of a device to run.

NOTE: This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the Support Tools Manager (STM). If you are new to STM, refer to the STM Overview and STM Tutorial.

Running logtool usually consists of the steps summarized below. For details about each step, click on the hyperlink.

Start a version of STM (Start STM)
xstm: /usr/sbin/xstm
mstm: /usr/sbin/mstm
cstm: /usr/sbin/cstm

Start logtool from STM (Start in xstm / Start in mstm)
xstm: Tools | Utility | Run | (select "logtool")
mstm: Tools | Utility | Run | (select "logtool")
mstm (shortcut): press lowercase "L" and RETURN.
cstm: runutil logtool

Select a raw log file (Raw logs). Usually you are interested in the current log file, the name of which ends in ".cur".
xstm: File | Select Raw | (select desired raw log file)
mstm: File | Select Raw | (select desired raw log file)
cstm: At a UNIX prompt, see what log files are available (ls /var/stm/logs/os); then sr (selectraw).

When you select a raw log file, logtool automatically displays a summary of the events in the log (Logtool versions 2.0 and above).

Make the log file easier to read by turning it into a formatted log file (Formatted Logs).
xstm: File | Format Raw
mstm: File | Format Raw
cstm: fr (formatraw)

After you format the log, logtool automatically displays a summary of the events in the log (Logtool versions 2.0 and above).

Select (filter) the entries you want to see by using the commands under the Filters menu (Filters).
Logfiles can contain many entries. You can specify a filter to be applied during the formatting process, or to be applied when viewing a file. Use the commands under the Filters menu.

Other tasks you can perform with Logtool (Other tasks).

Save a log as a file.

Create a new "current" raw log file.

Monitor and control memory error logging.
조회 수 :
추천 수 :
9 / 0
등록일 :
11:56:50 (*.236.3.241)
엮인글 :
게시글 주소 :
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